A Cry That Gets God’s Attention

Dear Reader,

Have you ever said OMG or O My God to express shock or excitement? We all have. We even have an emoji to express it visually. But the Bible describes a very different meaning for the phrase. O My God is a desperate cry directed to God. Whether we holler or cry quietly to God, He hears it. O My God is the believer’s SOS, crying out to God to please “Save Our Souls.”

God understands this cry even if we do not add any other words to it. Just say O My God, and He gets it. O My God is a personal cry. Sometimes we pray and cry out together, but our unique cries are vital for shifts to happen, captives to be set free, chains to break, and walls to fall down. And the cry must come from a place of trust in God, who is omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient.

O My God in Scripture:

  • But I am poor and needy; yet the Lord thinketh upon me: thou art my help and my deliverer; make no tarrying, O My God.—Psalms 40:17

  • I delight to do thy will, O My God: yea, thy law is within my heart.—Psalms 40:8

  • I will also praise thee with the psaltery, even thy truth, O My God: unto thee will I sing with the harp, O thou Holy One of Israel.— Psalm 71:22

  • Remember me, O My God, concerning this, and wipe not out my good deeds that I have done for the house of my God, and for the offices thereof.—Nehemiah 13:14

As followers of Christ, let us be conscious of what O My God really means and choose to use it to express our need and affection to God our loving Father.

Grace and peace,



Comforted to Comfort